Cookie Policy

Date of last update: [2024-04-19].

Bilendi, a public limited company with share capital of €360,302.32 registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Registry under number RCS PARIS 428 254 874, whose registered office is located at 4 rue de Ventadour, 75001 Paris, France ("Bilendi" or "we") describes in this policy how cookies are used (i) when browsing the site (the "Site") and on the Maximiles mobile service available on download platforms enabling Maximiles members to be informed of the various Maximiles services and to access the Site and the rewards (the "Application") and (ii) when you browse the sites and/or applications of our Study Partners.

By way of introduction, it should be noted that all words beginning with a capital letter in this policy and which are not defined have the meaning given to them in the General Terms and Conditions of Use available at the following address: 

 1. What are cookies and trackers?

When you use the Site or the Application or browse the sites and/or applications of our Research Partners, cookies are placed on your terminal.

A cookie is a set of information, generally a small text file, deposited and stored on your terminal (such as a computer, tablet or smartphone). Cookies will be used to recognise your browser during the period of validity of these cookies, and will send certain information back to the Site and the Application. Your web browser stores the cookies for a certain period of time and sends them back to the web server each time you reconnect to the Site or the Application. 

Cookies can be used for a variety of purposes, such as storing your preferences and measuring your activity on the websites you visit. 

Only the supplier who issued the cookie in question is likely to read or modify the information it contains. 

Cookies may contain and record data about you, such as the page of the site you are visiting or the time of your connection. 

 2. What cookies and tracers are used on the Site and Application?

The different types of cookies and tracers used on the Site and Application and their purposes are described below.

These cookies and tracers may be deposited either by Bilendi or by a Study Partner or service provider.

Personal data concerning you may be processed in the context of the use of cookies and tracers by us or our Research Partners or service providers. For further information on the protection of your personal data and the exercise of your rights, please refer to our privacy policy and those of the third-party suppliers listed below.

The Site and Application use the following types of cookies and trackers:

 2.1. Necessary cookies

Necessary cookies include both functional and security cookies, and cookies required to provide our service following your registration with Maximiles.

2.1.1. Functional and security cookies 

Functional and security cookies are mandatory and contribute to the smooth running of the site and its security.

They enable you to navigate the Site and the Application optimally and to use its functions smoothly and safely. Without these cookies, you cannot use the Site or the Application normally. They also enable us to save your choice concerning cookies. They cannot be deactivated, and they do not require your consent.

Below is a complete list of cookies:

Tracer identifier



Privacy policy


the Opinion Platform

Enables a user's choice regarding the deposit of cookies to be memorised and recognised.

Available here


the Opinion Platform

Allows you to secure access to your account by sending a security code, and to regulate the number of codes sent.





Available here


the Opinion Platform

Enables users to be contacted when their session has expired and they wish to display a page reserved for authenticated members.


the Opinion Platform

Used to recognise the user who logs in and keep their session active.


the Opinion Platform

Detects the device the visitor is using (mobile, tablet, etc.)


2.1.2 Cookies necessary for the provision of our service following your membership of Maximiles 

These are cookies that are strictly necessary for the provision of our service following your membership of Maximiles. 

a. In particular, they enable (i) you to participate in Surveys in exchange for points and (ii) the identification of persons eligible to participate in Surveys. Surveys are sent to you if you meet the criteria defined by the needs of our Research Partners' Surveys. These criteria are identified in particular thanks to the data collected by these cookies. 

These cookies do not require your consent. 

Below is a complete list of cookies:

Tracer identifier



Privacy policy


the Opinion Platform

Allows Members registered on the Opinion Platform to be selected to take part in advertising exposure surveys.

 Available here


the Opinion Platform

Allows you to identify a Member who has responded to a survey and to reward them by crediting them with the points associated with the survey.

Partner's own cookies

Various partners Studies

Allows Members registered on the Opinion Platform to be selected to participate in certain types of Research requested by the Research Partner in question.



b. Research targeting and matching cookies 

These cookies are used to carry out database reconciliation operations, i.e. operations to reconcile a Member with the databases of one of our Research Partners.

This reconciliation is carried out using a tag from a Study Partner installed on the content of the Study Partner present on our Site and a cookie.

This reconciliation makes it possible to :

  • carry out audience analyses and/or develop similarity models for marketing advertising campaigns, 
  • develop "Look-A-Likes" by our Partners Study audience profiles and/or determine the Members who may be invited to take part in surveys, 
  • expose you to Research: advertising pre-tests and post-tests, 
  • to display advertisements to you while you are browsing the Internet in order to select you to take part in a survey to assess the overall impact of an advertisement on a brand's image. 

The list of cookies may change over time. You will be informed by means of a newsletter or by any other means of any updates to the Cookie Policy in this respect. 

These cookies are strictly necessary for the provision of the service to which you subscribe when you register with Maximiles in accordance with our Terms and Conditions of Use.

These cookies do not require your consent. 

Tracer identifier



Privacy policy


the Opinion Platform

Audience analysis

Developing Look-A-Like Profiles 

Pre and post advertising tests.

 Available here


Audience analysis

Developing Look-A-Like Profiles 

Pre and post advertising tests.

Available here



Audience analysis

Developing Look-A-Like Profiles 

Pre and post advertising tests.

Available here



2.2. Audience measurement and statistics cookies

2.2.1. Traffic on the Site and Application 

Audience measurement and statistical cookies help us to provide you with the best possible experience by collecting and analysing information on how our visitors use our Site and Application.

They enable us to compile statistics on visits, browsing and use of the Site and Application, and to continue to develop the functionalities of the Site and Application according to your use of the available functionalities.

The following cookies do not require your consent. 

Tracer identifier





Enables statistics to be compiled on site traffic.



2.2.2. Audience statistics from our registration partners

Our partners' cookies and/or tracers are also used to check the number of new people recruited. These cookies are only inserted in the registration form dedicated to the registration partner. Not all trackers are cookies. 

The following cookies are only placed on your terminal if you have given your prior consent on the site of our registration partners: 

Tracer identifier




Partner's own cookies

Various acquisition partners

Enables partners to check the number of new people recruited. These cookies are only inserted in the registration form dedicated to the registration partner. Not all cookies are used (some suppliers use them, others do not).


3. Your choice concerning cookies

You can choose to accept or refuse cookies for which consent is required. 

The necessary cookies referred to in Article 2.1 and the audience measurement cookies referred to in Article 2.2.1 are not subject to the collection of your consent. If you do not wish these cookies to be placed on your terminal, you must not create a Maximiles account or you must delete your Maximiles account, by clicking here directly, or by sending your request by e-mail to ( or by post to the following address (Bilendi S.A, 4 rue de Ventadour, 75 001 Paris France).

If you do not want cookies to be installed or read on your terminal, a refusal cookie will still be placed on your terminal so that we can record the information that you have refused the use of cookies. If you delete this refusal cookie, it will no longer be possible to identify you as having refused the use of cookies. Similarly, if you accept the deposit of cookies, a consent cookie will be installed.

Your choice concerning cookies is valid for 6 months. As cookies are defined at the level of your browser, your choice only concerns the browser you are using. If you change your browser, you will have to inform us of your choice again. If we modify our cookie policy, you will be notified again to update your choice.

At any time, you can change your mind and modify your cookie settings, or cancel your subscription to the Opinion Platform by clicking on the link below.

You can also block and/or delete cookies by configuring your Internet browser. However, browsers currently do not allow you to distinguish cookies according to their purpose. As a result, you run the risk of preventing the deposit of cookies that are necessary for the site to function properly and those that are necessary to guarantee freedom of consent.

If you still wish to configure your browser, you will find more information below on how to configure cookies for different browsers:

To find out more about cookies and how to manage them, please consult the website of the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), and in particular the page entitled "Cookies: tools for managing them", which can be accessed here.

4.     Changes and updates to this cookie policy

If our use of cookies on the Site and the Application changes, we will amend this policy and the list of cookies deposited accordingly. We will inform you of any such changes. Any changes to this policy will be made in accordance with the terms of our General Terms and Conditions of Use